Real Time Delphi

We want your views! We are using a futurist tool, the Real Time Delphi, to collect your views about the future of After Capitalism. It asks for your views about current system and the potential guiding images of a new system. We also ask you to provide the reasons behind your judgments so we can all learn from one another (this is optional).

Real Time Delphi

Start by visiting the site via this link:

When you click the link, you will be asked for your email address and some basic information about yourself.

After you enter this information and submit, you will be taken to a page that asks for a study code. Please enter “psdemo1” in the box and hit enter.

On the page that appears, you will see psdemo1 filled in, and below that is a link that says “Please click here to proceed to psdemo”. Click that link and you are in!

We appreciate your input and will periodically report back on what people are saying.